Co-workers in His Kingdom

What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
— 1 Corinthians 3:5-7 NIV

I have a black thumb. I have for many years. When we first moved into our home, I would attempt to plant flowers but I could never keep them alive. I wouldn't take the time to water them. 

My husband, on the other hand, is great at planting flowers, perennials, trees, and bushes, and if my help was needed, I would water them.  They will grow. 

It's funny in a way, when I plant something I don't take the time to water it. When he plants something I would take the time to water it. 

The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.
— 1 Corinthians 3:8‭ NIV

This year has been different, I became interested in plants. Our house has been so dry in the winter, it inspired me to get some house plants. My first plant came from my neighbor who was ready for one of her plants to have a new home. 

This plant has now been joined by two other plants. My kids are having a great time helping me water them and so far we have kept two plants alive. 

But ….my third plant. It is not doing so well. I over-watered it. 

Yes…I over watered it.

It was a plant that did not require much water at all and even in my sparse watering, I have just about killed it by watering it too much—only did I find out the reason after talking about it to a gardener. 

The experience of having house plants has made me think about relationships and God’s Kingdom. 

Tending to plants, like relationships with other people, takes time, learning, gaining an understanding of the proper care, and nurturing. Plants, however, are “easier” , they don’t talk back, they haven’t hurt you, they don’t correct you when you are wrong, they don’t have past hurts that you unknowingly tread upon. But just as you really do need plants, you really do need other people. 

Are you allowing God to fill your life with people? 

For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
— 1 Corinthians 3:9‭-‬11 NIV

God is the soil you are to be grounded in. He is the creator of you and me, just as He has created plants. God is the only one that knows exactly the amount of care, nurturing, water, sunlight, and food that you need. Isn’t that amazing? 

He is the one who makes you grow, who tells you when it's time to grow. It’s your choice to say yes to His call. Is He telling you it’s time to grow?  

Can you think of a time in your life where maybe God wanted you to grow and you said no? Or maybe, there was a time you said yes, and maybe it’s time to say yes AGAIN.  

He also knows WHO you need in your life, and not just who you need in your life for you, but who you need in your life for HIS purpose, for HIS kingdom. He is the one in control. It is your choice to open your eyes and your heart to see where He IS working. 

For me and my plants, it’s always been easier, fun, and more successful  when either 1. I was watering someone else’s work  or 2. I had help to water my plants. (Funny, the plant that is dying, I had been watering it all on my own.) 

Would His purpose in your life be easier, fun, and more successful, if you had help from those He placed around you? 

If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.
— 1 Corinthians 3:12‭-‬15 NIV

What if it’s time for you to get a houseplant?  

How is God calling you? What seed are you trying to plant? Who around you can help water it?  Where does He want you to work with others to share your talents/gifts/abilities for HIS Kingdom?

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
— 1 Corinthians 3:16 NIV